Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One day there were 2 little girls one named Bella and one named Violet. Bella said to Violet "please
come and visit my hut". 
"no thank you" said Violet.
 "please, it is really fun" begged Bella.
" ok but you owe me but there is one thing, it takes half an hour to get there.  Maybe we should stay here?  No no lets go are you sure, yes mum won't know, ok lets go. Then Bella and Violets mum came out. "Bella, Violet where are you? Bella and Violet could not hear. They were lost but they did not know. Bella asked "how much longer".
"Wait that half an hour was up" We are lost oho. Wait i've got lost down here before said Bella. Come on now, I know the way out. O good I was worried that we would never find our way out. What here comes Mum. "there you are" said Mum. I cannot believe your sneaking out, go to your room this is all your fault" said Violet. Bella snuck out her window and tried to hold on the best as she could and quickly jumped in to Violets window. Violet got such a fright that she fell off the bed and broke her arm on a wooden bar. She was crying then mum came in. Bella tried to hide but it was too late. Mum was so angry that she made Bella sty in her for a year. Bella was so angry. Selina which was her mum took Violet to the doctor to get a cast on. When the year was done Violet got her cast off and she felt fantastic. 
By Amber

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