Pogo and Mister.
Pogo and Mister came for the day. pogo came Tuesday and mister came on Thursday
me and Meila walked mister and we did three lap’s around the school 1 walking and 2
running. Water went up mister’s leg. It looked like he had a bath. Mister was so so so so
wet so I did not want to cuddle him. His face was not wet and his back is not wet either. His
tummy was as wet as a beetroot trout that has been washed under a tap. Pogo and Mister are the colour white. Pogo is very funny because he always jumped on Mr Searle. When I was the first one at school pogo jumped on my lap. Mister is a good guard dog and he barked at Jenny when she came to see us. Pogo and mister are brothers. they have the same mum. she lives down the road. That is where pogo and mister came from.
by Tiarne
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