Friday, August 28, 2009

So much rubbish

Sarah came to our school and did a waste audit. Look how much rubbish we had in two days. I wonder how we could reduce the amount of waste?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mahana school went to see the cinderella play. It was hilarious.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

They're ALIVE!!!!


Junior Music Hoolie

Swim said the mummy fishy swim if you can and they swam and swam all over the dam...

Monday, August 10, 2009

The pictures are coming to life

Here we are working on our dinosaur silhouettes. Some of us thought moving dinosaurs would be awesome so we started to make cuts in the paper which the dinosaurs could move along.

On Friday Mrs Brinsley read us a dinosaur story then we drew a picture about it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Phil Goff visits Mahana

Believe it or not the leader of the Opposition came to Mahana School. We sung him a waiata and then asked Mr Goff a few questions. Some of our questions were - what is your favourite part of your job, what would you invent if you were Prime Minister, do you aspire to be the Prime Minister, what jobs did you have before you were in Parliament and have you met any bad Prime Ministers!

Hot hot dinosaurs

While the big kids were at cross country we had a lovely time painting back drops for our dinosaur silhouettes to run along. We were using red and yellow paint and heaps of mixing and blending. Wait until you see our finished product!